Multi-genre Blog 8

Lesson Plan with Inclusion Options Teacher: Jordan Glashow School: Frost Middle School Subject/Grade level: Social Studies, 7th gr., regular Lesson Title: Virginia and US History: The Civil War and Reconstruction 3/17/21 Lesson Planning Performance-based Objective(s): The Civil War was a critical event in the history of the United States. The objectives are to: Understand the factors that brought about the Civil War. Understand how minority races were treated in different areas of the country, before and after the war Understand the legacy of the Civil War, and how it influenced changes to the government, voting rights, civil rights, and the military. Local/State/National Standards: Lesson Standards: VUS.7c Civil War and Reconstruction: evaluating and explaining the impact of the war on Americans and on the future of the country. Materials: Class textbook Assigned readings and videos. Vocabulary list Class lectures (transcripts and videos will be posted online) Inclusion comment: Increased availability for anyone unable to attend class. Technology: Text to speech system Voice recognition software These technologies may be available in some combination in schools practicing classroom inclusion. Touch screens Screen magnifiers Translation programs Virtual learning capabilities Video chat Web-based lessons Inclusion comment: These technologies may be available in some combination in schools practicing classroom inclusion. Accommodations: Create recordings of all lectures. post them on Blackboard. Post all slide decks to Blackboard. Create student groups for the lesson, including different skillsets and learning abilities in each group. Utilization of specialized technology including talk to text, screen magnifiers and touch screens. Availability of special education teachers in class or access to resource rooms for additional help or test taking Inclusion comment: Accommodations include a significant collection of options to assist both disabled and non-disabled students. Extensions: Discuss the historical relevance of the Civil War within the larger context of US History- In whichever genre you choose, discuss either: How the formation of the country, particularly the differences in the North and South, led to the Civil War. Or How the events of the Civil War affected different aspects of American society. Various topics could be citizenship, rights of African Americans, voting, government, or the military. You can present this as a skit, discussion, podcast, newspaper article, newscast, research paper, art project or any other medium that best supports your response. Inclusion comment: Options for a plethora of modalities, allowing SWD and non-disabled students to utilize those that are best suited to their capabilities. Planned Instructional Strategies Tasks/Methods/Strategies: In Class: Complete 2 newspaper articles about the same event, but write one for a Southern paper, supporting the Confederacy, and one for a Northern paper supporting the Union. Keep a daily journal: Record your thoughts during your time as a regular soldier (either side) in the war and include 5 entries. Discuss what you see, whom you meet, what you miss from home, your views of the war, and anything else of interest. Each entry should be 2-3 paragraphs. Entries can be written, verbal or in video format. Resource help will be provided, as necessary. Inclusion comment: For those students who are non-verbal, a video can be recorded. Comprehension Checks: Teacher callouts during class. Each student will get a chance to answer a question during this time. Inclusion comment: Instead of choosing the same students who are active in answering question, all students will get their chance based on who has not responded yet. Closure: Reassess the essential questions from the opening: Evaluate the outcome of Southern Succession, and the ultimate defeat of the South in the Civil War. Argue whether that ultimately resulted in any improvements for the Southern people after the war, of if it was a completely misguided effort. Assessment Pre-Assessment: Vocab quiz and 3 short answer questions- written, verbal or assisted responses. Inclusion comment: Responses here will be provided a wide array of options in order to maximize inclusivity. Formative and/or Informal Assessments: Exit ticket: Each student to provide a 1-sentence answer to the question: How did the Civil War fundamentally change the history of the United States? Summative Assessment: End of lesson quiz on vocabulary and 5 short answer (2-3 sentence) questions to show understanding. Homework assignment: Answer 1 (out of 3 choices) analyzing a lesson topic. Answer 1 question evaluating an overarching theme of the lesson. Accommodations: A special educator will be available in the classroom during this time. Arrangements can be made to take the quiz in the resource classroom. Inclusion comment: As commonly practiced, any SWD student can take advantage of resource help, as necessary. Accommodations will be granted (extra time, verbal response, assistive technology) as per IEP or 504 Plans.


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